Young People


All conversations said within our Practice will remain confidential, even if you are aged under 16. All our staff have a duty to respect your confidentiality and no personal information will be passed on without your permission. In cases where potential harm could be caused to you or anyone else your information may be given to another service without your permission, however we would try to discuss this with you first.

Young Persons Champion

Hi I’m Emma, the Young Persons Champion for The Glen Medical Group. I am here to speak with you confidentially with any problems you may have including how to contact us, the use of our social media and online registration, booking appointments with our clinicians and how to contact other services for help and advice.

I feel a bit embarrassed talking about my problem

Please don’t worry, our Doctors and Nurses deal with a variety of health matters daily and will do their best to help and advise you.

Our system is now back up and running.

Our Website is currently under review. Econsult and repeat prescriptions can still be requested via the website in the normal way. Thank you for your patience.


Contact your doctors online

Fill out a simple online form to get advice and treatment by the end of the next working day.