COVID-19 is still with us, and the safety of NHS patients, visitors and staff is our top priority.

We appreciate face coverings are no longer mandatory in NHS settings however we kindly ask that if you have cold or flu symptoms or a respiratory condition you consider wearing a face covering for the duration of your appointment. This will help protect both yourself and our clinical staff.

NHS teams will continue to take other infection prevention and control measures to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other infections in health and care settings.

It is important for the public to continue to play their part when visiting NHS and care settings to help protect our staff and patients, particularly those who may be more vulnerable to infections.

For more info, visit https://www.england.nhs.uk/…/nhs-patients-staff-and…/

Our system is now back up and running.

Our Website is currently under review. Econsult and repeat prescriptions can still be requested via the website in the normal way. Thank you for your patience.


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