

Where possible we will offer patients an appointment with the GP of their choice, but you may have to wait longer than normal to see that particular doctor and there may be occasions when patients, who have expressed a preference may have to see a different doctor.

To make an appointment please telephone or call in at the surgery during opening hours. Every effort is made to see patients when they wish and we try to be as flexible as possible. You are able to consult with any GP in the practice, however we encourage you to see the same Doctor for ongoing problems for continuity of care. Please try to make return appointments before leaving the surgery as appointments get booked up quickly. Our appointment slots are usually 10 minutes long, but if you feel you will need longer than this, please let the receptionist know.

Telephone Appointments

We now offer telephone consultation appointments with our Doctors, for situations where it is not necessary to actually see the GP. An appointment time will be given to you and the GP will ring you within 20 minutes of that time, as we cannot guarantee the GP will always run on time due to the nature of some other telephone consultations, he/she is dealing with.

The practice also has the facility for patients to book an appointment online via the Internet. Please ask at reception to register then use this link to book your appointment online: Patient Access

Late Evening Appointments

The Practice offers an extended surgery with either a doctor or nurse on a Thursday evening until 8.00pm. Please book as usual.

Urgent / Same Day Appointments

Patients who feel they need to be seen that day will be telephoned by the Duty Doctor. That Doctor will offer advice or arrange a time for you to come down to be seen. Please do not simply turn up at Surgery with a request to be seen – always telephone in advance.

Dr Hutchinson trains medical students and occasionally you may be asked by Reception if you would participate in a consultation with the students. You are free to refuse if you would prefer not to do so.

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat Prescriptions are medication that the Doctor or Hospital feel you need to take on a long-term basis. Once that has been actioned by the Doctor, it will be prescribed as a 28-day supply when required. This medication can be requested by ticking the box on the side slip of your prescription to indicate the items you require. A box is available on the reception desk for your requests.

Alternatively, you can send it to us using a stamped addressed envelope and we will post it back to you. Please allow sufficient time for the postal system. For those patients who prefer, we offer a telephone service between 10am-11am each day. The telephone number is 0194 496 3771. We regret that we cannot accept telephone requests outside these hours.

Do make sure you order your repeat medication well before your supply is due to run out. 48 hours notice is required for repeat medication requests.

If you are on stable medication, you can now arrange to have your medication dispensed through your chosen pharmacy which will avoid you having to order your prescription every month. This is called ‘repeat dispensing’. Please discuss this option with your usual pharmacy.

If you prefer you can email your prescription request to:

When emailing prescription requests you must provide us with your name, address, date of birth and a list of the prescriptions you need from your repeat prescription. We must still have a full 2 working days’ notice from our receipt of your email so please make your request in plenty of time. The practice unfortunately cannot offer the facility for patients to order prescriptions on-line via the Internet at the moment. Details will be included in our newsletter and will be publicised in the surgery when available.

No medication can be given out by the receptionist ‘over the counter’. If you need medication, which is not an authorised repeat, please make an appointment to see the Doctor.

Home Visits

Home visiting by the Doctor is now accepted as not being an efficient use of time. We are beginning to follow the pattern as is the case in all other countries where home visits are done only in exceptional circumstances.

If you feel you need a home visit by the Doctor, please telephone before 10.00am. A Doctor will contact each patient by telephone to discuss the patient’s present illness, offering advice, a prescription, a visit by the nurse or health visitor, surgery attendance or a GP visit. A Doctor’s visit will only be offered to those physically incapable of attending the surgery.


In case of an ‘emergency’ or when the surgery is closed, you have the following options available to you:

  • If your problem is an emergency or life threatening, please call 999.
  • All Out of Hours care (after 6pm until 8am) is dealt with NDUC (telephone 0845 60 80 320)
  • NHS 111 are available for telephone advice.

Test Results

If you are ringing for test results etc, please telephone between 3.00pm and 4.00pm, so that the Doctor has had time to look at the results, allowing 2-3 days for some results to be returned to us from the laboratory. In order to maintain confidentiality, laboratory and x-ray results may be given only to the patient personally or to the parents of minors.

Changing Personal Details

It is most important that you inform us of any change in your personal details as soon as possible so that we can keep your records up to date and to prevent problems when sending you letters, making hospital appointments and home visiting etc. If you change address, telephone number or have an additional contact number or a mobile number that you would like us to add to your records then please inform us by either contacting the surgery or by completing a ‘Change of Personal Details’ form at reception.

Text Messaging

Our practice uses text message to confirm patient appointments. We Will use most recent mobile numbers on your system. Please ensure your personal details are up to date.

If you wish to opt out of this service please call the surgery and inform a member of reception team. 

Joining the Practice

All patients wishing to register with the Practice must have a registration appointment. This appointment allows us to get to know you and familiarise ourselves with your past medical history and any medication you are taking. Please remember to bring all current medication along with you and, for parents with children their vaccination record card.

Sick Notes

If you are unable to attend work due to illness, a self-certification (SC1) should be used for the first 7 days (including weekends) of your illness. After these 7 days, you will need to see or speak to a Doctor to get a further sick note.

All employers should accept these self certification sick notes. Since the advent of self-certification for statutory sick pay purposes in 1983, GPs have not been obliged to issue certificates for periods of sickness of less than seven days duration. An SC1 for employed people is available from you employer. An SC2 if you are self-employed, or unemployed, is available from the surgery.

What happens when you are referred by your GP to see a specialist? 

Please click on attached link;


Our system is now back up and running.

Our Website is currently under review. Econsult and repeat prescriptions can still be requested via the website in the normal way. Thank you for your patience.


Contact your doctors online

Fill out a simple online form to get advice and treatment by the end of the next working day.