
This area of the website lists the current practice policies:

Zero Tolerance Campaign

Our practice has signed up to the NHS Zero Tolerance Campaign which makes verbal abuse, threat and physical violence to all NHS staff unacceptable. Any such behaviour from any patients may result in their removal from our practice list.

Comments, Complaints and Suggestions

We aim to offer a friendly, personal, comprehensive and high standard of family health care to all our patients. We always welcome your feedback and value your comments and suggestions. Please get in touch via our online form or by telephone and let us know your thoughts. We endeavor to listen to your comments and act appropriately on the constructive feedback to deliver the best for you and your family.

Privacy Statement/Policy

This GP Practice, as the data controller may collect personal information from visitors to this site. This will not include any information that can be used to identify any individual. This information is used only to respond to enquiries, monitor site usage and to enhance the use of certain technologies – such as activity based information. Cookies and logging of IP addresses are used to enable the GP Practice to monitor site traffic and repeat visitor statistics. The GP Practice will at all times comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. read more

Our system is now back up and running.

Our Website is currently under review. Econsult and repeat prescriptions can still be requested via the website in the normal way. Thank you for your patience.


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