Your Information, Your Rights
How we use your medical Records
Our Fair Processing Privacy Notice explains why we collect information about you and how that information may be used to deliver your direct care and manage the local health and social care system.
The notice reflects:
- What information we collect about you;
- How and why we use that information;
- How we retain your information and keep it secure;
- Who we share your information with and why we do this.
The notice also explains your rights in relation to consent to use your information, the right to control who can see your data and how to seek advice and support if you feel that your information has not been used appropriately.
A full copy of the Fair Processing Privacy Notice is available below:
Childrens Privacy Information Leaflet
If you wish to make a Subject Access Request you can apply to the practice in writing at the address below, via email or by downloading the form below.
The Glen Medical Group
Glen Primary Care Centre
NE31 1NU